
The Three Brains of Management



For decades, leaders and managers have been trained to think and act on upon the assumption that employees and customers are rational beings. Motivational, organisational and structural approaches have been developed on the premise that people know what is good for them and that they behave accordingly. Therefore rewards, bonuses, job promotions as well as punishments have been designed to make sure people understand and achieve goals. However, there is strong scientific evidence that this approach is not just irrelevant but dangerous because it does not accept humans as they are: emotional, irrational and primarily focused on their survival. Management styles need to change and modern leaders have to reconsider their approach. This seminar provides both the evidence for the need to change and directions on how this should happen. Prepare for the holistic brain management!

Audience and goals:

Middle level managers, MOMs (managers of managers) and Directors. Two years of managerial experience minimum. Previous managerial/leadership training education/training preferred but not necessary. The seminar will:

1. Destroy long held assumptions, beliefs and stereotypes about what we know in management, motivation and leadership.

2. Explain why management, in its usual form, is actually not necessary anymore.

3. Explore the human brain and its relation to leading people.

4. Reveal how motivation really works within the brain and what makes people tick.

5. Through the use of experiments and examples, discuss various aspects of related brain rules and processes.

6.  Provide a comprehensive model for approaching and applying brain-based management and leadership.


Qualitative Discussion-Oriented Lectures; Case Studies; Audio-Visual and Presentation.


This is a half day seminar, 09:00-13:00.