
Leadership Behaviors that Drive Performance



The ultimate executive function is leading people towards success. In the midst of so much complexity organizations need to develop leaders that Drive Performance. At all times employees constantly look to their managers for guidance, support, motivation and eventually leadership. The simplest sign of behavior is interpreted positively or negatively and results to respective performance. Hence, the critical question is how to behave in a way that employees will engage deeply themselves and become more than they imagined that they could be.

Audience and goals:

The course is intended for a broad audience of executives, middle managers, administrators, first line managers, and entrepreneurs, or anyone seeking to deepen his knowledge on leadership. This inspiring and at times provocative approach to leadership tries to twist minds and create “New Mind Executives”. After participating in this course, you should expect to:

1. Distinguish critical leadership attitudes that make a difference.

2. Adopt specific behaviors that will guide you to success.

3. Change your mind-set on the notion and practice of leadership and demystify the secrets to excellence.

4. Question yourself and your leading style.


Active Learning; Case Studies; Audio-Visual; Group Analysis; Qualitative Discussion and Presentation; and Provocative Thinking.


This is a 1 day seminar, 09:00-16:00.